Greenhouse gardening is an entertaining task to do. At the same time, it’s also challenging to grow plants in the greenhouse. One of the most challenging tasks is to control humidity in the greenhouse. If the humidity level of a greenhouse increase then it has several negative effects. On the other hand, if the humidity level reduces the plant become dehydrate and productivity decrease. That’s why maintaining the optimum level of humidity inside the greenhouse is essential. In this content, we will discuss how to reduce humidity in greenhouse. We will also discuss how to increase humidity in greenhouse. After discussing both sides hope it will be easy for us to understand how to control humidity in greenhouse.
Before getting inside the main topics lets see what are the detrimental effects of excess or less humidity in the greenhouse, Before getting inside the main topics, let’s see what are the detrimental effects of excess or less humidity in the greenhouse. High humidity levels can lead to mold growth and increase the risk of plant diseases, while too little humidity can cause plants to dry out and stunt their growth. Understanding these factors is crucial for anyone looking to cultivate a thriving garden, especially when considering how to build a greenhouse that maintains optimal conditions for plant health.
The harmful effect of extra humidity in the greenhouse
If the humidity level of a greenhouse increases it has several harmful effects for plant and even for the human. For example, if the humidity level of the greenhouse increase then it can encourage unwanted weeds, mold and fungus growth in the greenhouse. The extra humidity level can also influence harmful insects breeding. Producing algae it can also make the greenhouse floor slippery which can be a safety concern for the gardener. Another problem associated with extra humidity in the greenhouse it that, it can create the greenhouse glass hazy. As a result, less amount of light can enter the greenhouse. That can dramatically decrease the production level of a greenhouse.
Negative Effect of reducing humidity in greenhouse
If the humidity level decrease it also has many adverse effects over plants of a greenhouse. The most common problems associated with less humidity level are it decrease the productivity of the plants. Plants get stressed out very first and the soil lost its moisture level quickly. As a consequence, many useful pathogens that exist in the soil also died out.
How to increase humidity in greenhouse
There are several ways to increase the humidity in greenhouse, Some of the tips are given below…
Use Pump Sprayer
Use garden pump sprayer to mist the plants can provide the greenhouse plant their required extra water. Not only that it can also increase the humidity level of a greenhouse.
Use Plant Humidifier
Plant humidifier can increase the humidity of a greenhouse in a very smart and effective way. There are basically two types. The first one is called the steam vaporizer and the second one is ultrasonic humidifier. The steam vaporizer needs electricity for its operation. First, it heats the water and then cools it down before releasing it into the air. On the other hand, Ultrasonic humidifiers create cold mist using ultasonic vibration. There are many humidifiers is available in the market. But we need to buy the best plant humidifier for our greenhouse.That can easily increase the humidity of our greenhouse.
Use Pabble tray
Humidity requirements for greenhouse plants mainly depend on the species. Some plant needs a higher level of humidity for their better growth some need less. So one of the better options is to place a tray full of pabble and pour some water into it. After that put that tray under the pots of those plants that need a higher level of humidity. Or the pabble tray can also put beside those plants which need higher humidity. In that way, the humidity of the greenhouse can also be increased.
Put a large bucket of water inside greenhouse
Put a large bucket of water inside the greenhouse in the day time can also help to increase the humidity level. Because at the day time sunlight come inside the greenhouse through the greenhouse glasses. That makes the greenhouse inside environment very hot. That hot temperature also helps to evaporate the bucket water. As a result, the humidity level of the greenhouse increase.
Wet Flooring method
During the hot summer season when the humidity level of the greenhouse decrease a lot spray on the greenhouse floor or pouring some water on the greenhouse floor can help to increase the humidity level inside the greenhouse.
How to reduce humidity in greenhouse
Proper watering schedule
The proper watering schedule can help to reduce the humidity level in greenhouse. Watering the greenhouse plant early in the morning can give the plant enough time to dry the plant’s surface before the evening. As a consequence, it helps to reduce the humidity level inside the greenhouse.
Weeding on a regular basis
Weed also helps to generate extra humidity by holding moisture on its leaf’s bellow part. It can also create extra humidity through its transpiration process. So regular weeding using proper weeder can help also to reduce the humidity level inside a greenhouse.
Proper Ventilation and heating
An ideal combination of proper ventilation and heating can help to reduce the humidity level inside a greenhouse. Proper ventilation inside a greenhouse without proper heating can reduce the required temperature. On the other hand, Proper heating without ventilation can increase the greenhouse temperature in an abnormal way. As a result, the greenhouse humidity level also increases. Because hot air has more capacity to hold humidity than natural or cool air. So maintaining the ventilation and heat inside a greenhouse in an optimum way we can also reduce the humidity level.
Some Fundamental Concept That Influence Humidity
Relative Humidity
If we want to understand how to control the humidity level in our greenhouse we need to understand what is relative humidity. It means the amount of humidity present in the air at a particular temperature. If we explain it more elaborately, relative humidity (RH) is the ratio of the total amount of humidity or moisture that is present in the air and the total humidity holding capacity of a unit air at a particular temperature and pressure.
Relation Between Humidity, Temperature, and Relative humidity
Temperature and humidity have a positive relationship. If we explain it in another way, then we can say hot air has more moisture holding capacity than cold air. As a result, if the temperature of a greenhouse increases its humidity holding capacity also increases. So if our greenhouse temperature increase due to the use of grow lights or generator then the humidity level of the greenhouse also increase. On the other hand when the air becomes hot relative humidity decrease despite the air holding the same amount of water. So maintaining this temperature of a greenhouse is very important because of its direct correlation with humidity and relative humidity.
Last Words
Yes, it’s undeniable that the concept of humidity, relative humidity, and its relation with temperature is a little bit complex concept. But if we can identify that there is any humidity related problem occurring in our greenhouse, we can easily solve that problem by doing some of the suggested ideas that are mention above. so that’s all from this article. Hope this article will help the greenhouse gardener and after go through this article that will get the basic idea about how to control humidity in greenhouse .
[…] will support the growth of microbes this exposing the ferns to diseases and parasites. So maintaining the humidity in greenhouse or indoor environment for fern is always […]
[…] The presence of mold/mildew in the greenhouse or in our indoor garden is also an indicator of extra moisture. The best way to monitor the humidity level in our indoor garden is by using a hygrometer.So when we detect the presence of extra humidity we need to stop using our humidifier for that place. There are also several ways to control humidity in the greenhouse. For more detail check our content about how to control humidity in greenhouse. […]
[…] airflow pattern. It is always necessary for greenhouses to optimize heat distribution and humidity management by mixing the air from the ceiling to the floor and this greenhouse fan is an ideal option for that […]
[…] to maintain the day and nighttime temperature fluctuation within a greenhouse .Also, it allows usto maintain a healthy humidity level throughout the whole year inside agreenhouses .The best part is geothermal system provides a […]
[…] greenhouse plant from excessive heat during the summertime. This highly functional cooling wall can control an awful lot of humidity. You can call it a large cardboard pad. When you set it perfectly with all the necessary things, it […]
[…] summer, will only damage the tree. On the other hand, if you are planning to plant your maple tree inside a greenhouse make sure to control the humidity. Excessive humidity or a too dry environment can damage the […]